Sea-buckthorn nectar, syrup

Sea-buckthorn nectar:
Since both the plant’s leaves and berries are
practically made of every vitamin found in nature, sea-buckthorn is a natural
phenomenon in terms of a natural vitamin source for the human body. Consuming
the berries and/or buckthorn production on a regular basis helps the body store
the essential vitamins in safe and convenient way.
The buckthorn berries comprise over 10 vitamins,
soluble both in water and fats. Moreover, because of this quality the human
metabolism absorbs the majority of the vitamins and stores them in cells.
As for minerals, the buckthorn berries also have iron,
magnesium, copper, and over 15 trace minerals. And since it also contains the
vitamins of B, PP, and K groups, the buckthorn nectar proves to be so much more
valuable than others.
Furthermore, the F vitamin the sea-buckthorn carries
is a good revitalizer – not only it refreshes a person after lengthy hours at
the computer, but also contributes to the cognitive function and heightens the
reaction speed.
The K1 that the berries have (times exceeding the
amount found in the berries of the mountain ash) contributes to normal blood
coagulation, which is particularly essential to be ensured before surgeries and
monitored in cases of internal bleeding, ulcers, and hemorrhoids.
Also, carotenoids are there in the berries. These
compounds are used for treating wounds, since it increases the healing speed
when administered (here the tell-tale is the orange colour of the berry
itself). And, of course, the berries carry large amounts of C vitamin, as
Regardless of the fact that the nectar is 100% natural
and free of additives, it must be kept in a refrigerator (or other cooled space)
and used up within a week!
Sea-buckthorn nectar:
Nectar can be mixed.
Mixed with water - ratio 1:10 – the nectar would provide you both with a
refreshment for the hot summer days and daily boost for immunity. Mixed with
milk – ratio 1:5 – it acquires the consistency of a light drinkable yogurt.
Nectar is to be kept in a refrigerated space and used
within 6 months.
Sea-buckthorn oil

The sea-buckthorn oil comprises a unique set of
vitamins and biologically active organic compounds: carotenoids, tocopherols (compounds
of E vitamin family) – essential for normal levels and metabolism of fatty
acids – etc. Recommended for treating digestive disorders and stomach and
intestinal illnesses: ulcers, chronical colitis, constipation, chronical
gastritis, indigestion, anal fissure, internal hemorrhoids, burning and
inflammation of the stomach. The oil also helps the recovery of those
suffering of angina, tonsillitis, and the like. The oil, administered to
cavities as a lubricant, quickly reduces the effects of pharyngitis, rhinitis,
and other allergen-related symptoms. In cases of rheumatism and podagra, the
folk medicine suggests administering the oil to the affected joints.
Internally: 1 tea-spoon 2 times a day 30 minutes
before a meal
Externally: for oiling the affected skin areas. Duration
of administering the oil: 1 month.
Personal care and beauty:
The oil is used for increasing nail- and hair-growth
as well as treating problematic skin conditions.
For dry skin: add a couple of drops to a moisturizer
or day-/night-cream.
For oily skin: apply the oil to your face instead of
washing it with soap; this would normalize the PH balance and restore it to
neutral along with the disinfectant effect.
Vitamins C, E, F, vitamin compounds, carotene, B
group vitamins, linoleic and linoleic fatty acids, B-sitosterol – strong
antisclerotic agent, and a natural anti-agent to cholesterol.
The oil is to be kept in in a cool (5-15° C), dry,
dark space. Refrain from using the oil in cases of acute cholecystitis, pancreatitis,
and other disorders regarding pancreas. Do not use for chronical stomach
disorders and diarrhea.
Sea-buckthorn gel (jam)

For your tastes on offer:
- Classical;
- Pumpkin mix;
- Strawberry mix;
- Cranberry mix;
- Pear mix.
expire in 6 months.
Soothing ointment with propolis, lip balm,
buckthorn moisturizing cream

The soothing
ointment consists of sea-buckthorn oil, propolis, and ghee. The ointment
helps with fever blisters, wounds and minor injuries. The product has a
moisturizing and nurturing effect that would generally improve the general
state of your skin.
Sea-buckthorn ointment. It moisturizes and
protects lips in the cold and windy seasons of the year.
Sea-buckthorn cream. In winter, when applied to the face, the cream forms a fine protective layer that would not only keep your skin well-nurtured, but also keep the effects of cold and external radicals at bay. Specially recommended to roughened skin, cracked fingertips and thickened skin on heels. .